The new and the old in the film industry: cinema, technology and neo-viewers.

An anthropological look at the new cinema.


  • Guillem Martínez Oya Independent researcher, Barcelona, Spain



Metafilmic, habitus, films, spectator, hyperscreen, cinema


Since its invention, the cinema art and industry has drawn a lot of attention from people of all sectors. It is nowadays a mass phenomenon reaching a very large audience, which has increased even more due to the proliferation of screens resulting from technological advances. As a result, going to the movie theatre has become simply an option among others. This investigation searches into what motivates the current spectator to watch films and the way in which cinema interacts with the viewer, projecting the cinematographic arts beyond the screen. In short, the research characterises the current spectator within the values and the context around him and uses an anthropological methodology to describe how the new spectator lives the cinema and the way in which the old structures and the new ones interact in our hyperconnected world. The main objective of the research is to approach generally the concept of film viewer in our times.


Cite this paper:

Martínez Oya, Guillem  2021. "The new and the old in the film industry: cinema, technology and neo-viewers. An anthropological look at the new cinema." JOSSTT 1(01):02. DOI:



About the author
Guillem Martínez Oya (Barcelona, 1991) is a sociocultural anthropologist, with a M.A. in Cultural Management by the Universitat de Barcelona. Guillem has worked for social and cultural institutions such as museums and foundations in Sitges and Barcelona, and in the Sitges Film Festival. He writes about movies and film industry topics as a cultural journalist for two online magazines and a number of companies in the film industry.


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