Critical-discursive social constructionism: what is the standpoint of social constructionism research?


  • Janicce Martínez Richard Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela



Social Constructionism, Discursivity, Epistemology, Language, History


An overview of critical-discursive Social Constructionism is presented, showing its historical development and its critique of any methodological approaches that do not take into consideration the social-historical reality. In particular, it criticises the dualistic ‘external object - cognitive subject’ position of the Positivist current that has its roots in the Enlightenment and later in Modernity, which leads to a conception of reason and scientific truth as supposedly incontrovertible realities outside of any historical and social construction. Finally, social constructionism is presented not as a formal theory grounded of strict methodological principles, but rather as an approach that attempts to show the limitations of certain scientific or methodological views, emphasising the importance of social construction through language and the relative relevance of different positions, from which a certain vindication of epistemological relativism emerges.    



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Martínez Richard, J. 2021. "Critical-discursive social constructionism: What is the standpoint of social constructionism research?" JOSSTT 1(01):05. DOI:



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About the authotr

​Janicce Martínez Richard was born in Caracas, Venezuela. She has a Degree in Psychology (Magna cum laude) from the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Later, she studied in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, where she obtained a Master's Degree, a Diploma of Advanced Studies, and a PhD in Social Psychology (Cum laude). She is currently Associate Professor at the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, where she conducts research in the area of epistemology from a psychosocial perspective. She has received awards and recognition for her research in social psychology. She is a member of the Centro de Investigaciones Educativas (CIES) of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and has been a member of the editorial team of the Revista de Pedagogía, of the School of Education, Universidad Central de Venezuela (2012-2016). She has published books and peer- reviewed articles.





