Social Perspective about the Evolution of a Cultural Asset as a World Heritage Site. Case Study: The Palmeral of Elche




Cultural Heritage, Identity, Palmeral of Elche, Touristic Communication


Cultural heritage has become a touristic attraction, especially those elements recognized as World Heritage Sites, generating great growth in the cultural tourism sector during recent decades. Given the importance of this phenomenon, the purpose of the following research is to analyze the tourism-heritage impact of the UNESCO organization within a specific World Heritage Site. In this case, the study is focused on The Palmeral of Elche (Alicante, Spain), an oasis-type irrigated agro-system recognized as a Cultural Site by UNESCO in 2000. To carry out this analysis, a theoretical review and a qualitative methodology have been implemented. The techniques used were participant observation, creation of thematic mapping, and in-depth interviews with different social agents linked to this cultural landscape from the Al-Andalus period. As a conclusion, possible responsible and sustainable actions have been determined within the social, heritage and tourist framework.


Bilingual Publication: The original version in Spanish is available in the PDF file.

Author Biographies

Ana IRLES-QUIRANT, University of Alicante – Alicante, Spain

(Elche, 1999) has a degree in Tourism from the University of Alicante (2021), with an incipient inclination towards the management of cultural and natural heritage. An example of this is her Final Degree Project The "UNESCO effect" in The Palmeral of Elche, which was graded with honours. She has also attended various seminars related to the creation of dramatised routes throughout his academic career, as well as contributing to historical-cultural and tourist dissemination project in the Alicante area "Playing to support tourism and preserve cultural heritage" of the Urgent Call of the Social Council of the University of Alicante for the promotion of I+D+I in order to reactivate the post-Covid-19 tourism sector (BOUA, June 4, 2020). Finally, it is worth mentioning her collaboration in academic publications related to the attention to university students, such as the Tutorial Action Programme of the University of Alicante.

María-Teresa RIQUELME-QUIÑONERO, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, UNED, Madrid, Spain

(Alicante, 1979), after graduating in History (2001, UA) and in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2006, Miguel Hernández University), received her doctorate in History (2016, UA), with the thesis Archaeological Reading of public and private spaces in the residential architecture of Alicante's orchards in the 19th century, qualified with outstanding cum laude, special award mention. He combines his work in the Mutxamel Municipal Archive with university teaching (UMH, UA, and UNED) and his research focused on two lines: the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Alicante orchard and the Moors and Christians celebrations. For this reason, he has participated in projects, international congresses and has published various academic and informative works.


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