Memory and Belonging of the Manauara Population: Flags From the Ponta Negra Beach Complex
Tourism, Memory, Belonging, Experiences, Manaus, CommunicationsAbstract
Manaus, the capital of Amazonas (Brazil), is a city that is not bathed by the sea, but there are still freshwater beaches on the banks of the Rio Negro, the most famous being Ponta Negra beach. The place, in addition to serving as a bath for tourists and residents, is also a complex that involves the sale of local products, a playground for children to have fun, an amphitheatre, a hiking trail, and a skating rink, being frequented by people of all ages, sex and social status. Therefore, the general objective of the study involves the analysis of the feeling of belonging and the memory of the Manaus population, based on signs resulting from the link with Ponta Negra beach. As specific objectives, we seek to present historical aspects of Praia da Ponta Negra, reflect on the memory and belonging of the manauara[1] population in relation to the beach and describe if there is a feeling of belonging and bonding of the manauaras with the Ponta Negra beach. The methodology of the research can be classified as transversal, qualitative and quantitative in its approach. The objectives are exploratory and descriptive, and the object of the study is a non-probabilistic sample, where the data collection will take place through direct observation, in addition, the field research will be carried out within the manauara population with questionnaires via open and closed interviews. This study found that there is a feeling of belonging and that people have strong memories concerning the place, shaping a little of their personality and experience with each other.
[1] Manauara is the name given to those born in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazonas, in northern Brazil.
Bilingual Publication: The original version in Portugues is available in the PDF file.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Anny Gabrielly PEIXOTO DE OLIVEIRA, Maria Luiza Cardinale BAPTISTA

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