The Reverse Side of Tourism in the Craftsmanship of “Com-Verse”




Tourism-Weave-Ecosystemic, Reverse side of Tourism, Craftsmanship, Com-versation


The general objective of the present research is to propose flags of the Reverse side of Tourism in the Craftsmanship of “com-verse”. It is noteworthy that the proposal Reverse side of Tourism deals with the intention to consider the underlying plot of Tourism understood as Tourism-Weave-Ecosystem, arising from transdisciplinary propositions, guided by assumptions of contemporary science, ecosystem and complex, being in constant movement and reinvention. Craftsmanship corresponds to the proposal of production oriented by craftsmanship. This perspective is marked by a mode of production with some singularities, linked to the idea of careful and personalized production, using existing resources, with a close link between producers and consumers, and without a close link with production technologies. The proposal of this text is related to the production of “com-versations” with residents of Torres/RS, methodologically oriented by the confluence of the Epistemology of Journalism and the Ontology of Conversation, by Maturana (1988), in addition to the methodological strategy Cartography of Knowledge (Baptista, 2014), which also guides the development of the research. The theoretical-conceptual tracks are composed of the understanding of complex Science, holistic and ecosystemic, with authors such as Capra (1997; 2020), Morin (2005), Crema (1989), Santos (2003), Deleuze and Guatarri (1995). Regarding the universe of knowledge in Communication, Medina (2006), Marcondes Filho (2008) and Lima (2009) stand out; in relation to the universe of knowledge in Tourism, the authors: Beni and Moesch (2017), Gastal (2002), Yázigi (2001) and Baptista (2019; 2020a; 2020b). The idea of Craftsmanship is guided, mainly, by the understanding of “producing to live” (Santos, 2002). In association with the “com-versations”, it proposes a reflection on the production of knowledge and practices, in this case, tourism. Also, as a result, the importance of “com-versaitions” places and subjects for the development of Tourism guided by ecosystem responsibility, considering its characteristic plot and (re)cognizing its reverse side as potentiality, stands out.


Bilingual Publication: The original version in Portugues is available in the PDF file.

Author Biographies

EME Jennifer Bauer, University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Master in Tourism and Hospitality by the Post-Graduation Program in Tourism and Hospitality from the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS). Graduated in Social Communication with habilitation in Journalism by the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS). Researcher of Amorcomtur! – Group of Studies in Communication, Tourism, Lovingness and Autopoiesis (CNPq-UCS).

Maria Luiza Cardinale BAPTISTA, University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Post-doctor in Society and Culture of the Amazon (PPGSCA-UFAM). PhD in Communication Sciences, by School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP). Professor and researcher of the Postgraduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality of UCS (BRAZIL). Editor of the Scientific Journal Conexão – Comnicação e Cultura (Communication and Culture Connection) Coordinator of Amorcomtur! Group of Studies and Production in Communication, Tourism, Lovingness and Autopoiesis (CNPq-UCS).


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