Cinderellas and Pumpkins in the New World: Fairy Tale Reinterpretations for New Approaches to Gender in Education




Gender Stereotypes, Fairy Tales, Education


The objective of this writing is to present indications that can lead to the resignification of gender stereotypes in reinterpretations of traditional fairy tales through Pumpkin (Corteze, 2021), a LGBTQIAPN+ children’s book. The methodological path followed started from the choice of two narratives -in Portuguese- of the short story Cinderella, with original publication by Grimm (1812), one of them available on web pages, and one of them found in the Tell Me Collection (2020) of the Ministry of Brazilian Education. These narratives were compared to the book Pumpkin, which reread the short story Cinderella in order to welcome LGBTQIAPN+ diversities. Thus, it was noticed how the traditional narratives of fairy tales, often used in educational contexts, perpetuate gender stereotypes, and how the rereading of these tales can help in the resignification of such stereotypes.


Bilingual Publication: The original version in Portugues is available in the PDF file.



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