Approach to Intellectual History and the Intellectual Subject




intellectual history, biography, intellectuals


Intellectual history has been approached in different ways by different schools of thought, in terms of its conception and methodological treatment. We can mention, among the main ones, the French School, and the Cambridge School; as well as the Begriffsgeschichte or history of concepts. The bibliography that addresses the main features of these currents is significantly abundant and is constantly growing, since the debate is still open, which allows it to be enriched by different views and multidisciplinary approaches.

The intellectual history we are dealing with in this text refers to the "historiographic area dedicated to the study and analysis of the elaboration of discourses and their different appropriations over time, the intellectual aspects of historical knowledge".



Remigio Montero, María del Carmen (2022). " Approach to intellectual history and the intellectual subject" Journal of Social Sciences: Transformations & Transitions (JOSSTT) 2(05):21. DOI:

Author Biography

María del Carmen REMIGIO MONTERO, Department of History at the University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities (CUCSH), Mexico

PhD in History from the University of Guadalajara, Associate Professor of the Department of History at University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities (Spanish acronym CUCSH). Her interests focus on studies of intellectual history, the history of Cuba and the processes of emancipation in Latin America, the role of Latin American intellectuals in left-wing movements.


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