Household Financial Management of Married Professionals in Occidental Mindoro State College, Philippines




dual-earner couples, financial management, financial literacy, Philippines


The study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge of married couples in financial literacy, the level of married professionals' involvement in household financial decision-making, and identify the problems encountered by them. The paper employed a descriptive research design and was conducted at Occidental Mindoro State College (OMSC) in Philippines from February to September 2022. The result shows that the married professionals are young adults, from small households, with long experience working in OMSC and household income above the poverty threshold. In addition, the majority of married professionals have a high level of knowledge of financial literacy, they have financial plans and practice savings as cash in the bank. Further, the financial decisions in the household are done by both the husband and wife and they neither agree nor disagree on the problems encountered in financial management. Moreover, this study provides insight into the views and challenges of married professionals in financial management. The findings of the study will serve as a guide for partners to avoid arguments about handling finances and will aid them to reach their financial goals more easily. Hence, this could be served as an additional reference for married professionals’ efficiency in household resource management.



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