Rediscover Mogi: Marketing, Communication, and Lovingness for the Recognition of Subjects and Places




Tourism, Marketing, Communication, Lovingness, Rediscover Mogi


The objective of this text is to reflect on the relationship between Marketing, Communication, and lovingness, for the recognition of subjects and places, based on an investigation involving the Rediscover Mogi campaign. It results from ongoing studies at the University of Caxias do Sul, in the Postgraduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality. The city of Mogi das Cruzes, located in the State of São Paulo – Brazil, was chosen as the field of study. In theoretical terms, the text associates studies on Marketing and Communication, in contrast to the capitalistic discussion and the challenges of organizing production and communication more focused on lovingness, as an ethics of care and relation, in line with contemporary demands. The methodological strategy used is the Cartography of Knowledge, proposed by Baptista (2014, 2020a), with investigative actions that include a Bibliographic Survey, Writing Reports by one of the Researchers, and Cartography of Data Related to Mogi and the Rediscover Mogi Campaign. The text flags the potential for reinventing the Marketing-Communication binomial, which can be apprehended by the ‘conversations' of the residents of the Mogi das Cruzes on social networks.


Melo, Camila, C.; Baptista, Maria L. C. (2023). “Rediscover Mogi: Marketing, Communication, and Lovingness for the Recognition of Subjects and Places” Journal of Social Sciences: Transformations & Transitions (JOSSTT) 3(06):26. DOI:


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